I haven't blogged the entire time we've been in Missoula. I've been much too busy relaxing and spending time with family. What can I say? I'm a home body. I love spending time with people I know and doing a few spectacular things mixed in with mostly the every day.
One of my favorite things to do was Grandma's physical therapy exercise with her. Bill made this great tape with her exercises put to classical music. While these were exercises designed for an older woman, we put in additional movements to make it more difficult for us (Mom, Pramod, Bill, Marty, and myself). We did things like doing a sit-up with every leg raise. It was really fun!
After the exercises, we usually all did a short, easy yoga class after.
Grandma would rest during the sun salutations then join us for the seated poses. It's amazing how well she gets around on the floor!
We also had a great tubing trip, volley ball game, tennis practice, and some very nice meals.
It was really nice to be comfortable for the last week! Thanks to all you Andersons (and Heard)!
oh, wow...how long has this been here?! I just saw it for the first time today...I've been looking and I saw the calendar and assumed nothing new? I don't know...but the pics are great and memories are sweet! Fun times in Montana! Looking forward to pics and descriptions of your Portland visit...hope you made it to CA OK! Fires in San Fran...hope all your friends there are OK! Lymyosh...