Friday, October 29, 2010

Warm Pond -- Queen Anne's

Today Pramod and I went to a warm pond -- a pond that is fed by the ocean but is heated by the lava flow! It was incredible. Not hot like bath water but very warm and so beautiful!
On one end of the pond, there is an opening where the ocean waves come in. Every once in a while there'd be a wave that would be hard to fight (if over on that side of the water) and that added some fun to the experience.
When we just stood in the water we noticed that there were tons of tiny fish. If not moving for long enough the fish would come nibble/suck on our legs. It really freaked me out so I kept
pretty active.
After taking in the view and the water, Pramod and I kept ourselves occupied by dancing in the water and taking underwater videos of it. It was pretty funny.

This was actually the second warm pool we had been to. The other was close to a popular surfing spot, Pohiki. This one was also pretty nice because it was hidden in jungle-like place. It was pretty amazing being there too.

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